The Mega Airwall Hanger will fit into slot sizes from .8" to 2.25" wide and depths from .3" to 3". It will fit Hufcor type 11, 38, and 40 tracks, IAC .229", .313" and .500" tracks, Modernfold number 7, 10, 15, 16, 17, track, Panelfold type 5, 7, and 8 track, Emco Systems 8111, 8221, 8321, 8141, 8151, 8241, 8331, 9110, 9112, 9120, 9122, 8331, and 8431, Kwik-Wall Track with side by side carriers, and other manufacturer’s tracks as well. ( Does not fit Huffcor type 14,35, and 36) The Mega Airwall Hanger will also fit Unistrut style channel.